Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA)

Supervisory & Management Skills (Online)
Gold Seal: 2 Credits * BC Housing: 8 CPD Credits
Event Description
Participants will improve their skills in leadership, management and supervision of staff. Participants will learn skills to enhance their ability to build a collaborative team culture with their staff and on job sites.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Understand the differences between leadership, management and supervision
• Identify different leadership styles and approaches 
• Apply different leadership styles to deal with various situations
• Be familiar with various motivational theories – Mazlow, Herzberg, MARS
• Understand how to enhance individual and group performance and engagement
• Understand different personality styles and how to communicate appropriately
• Effectively manage time
• Understand stress and how to manage it at work
• Have knowledge of substance abuse, recognition and prevention
• Conduct a successful toolbox talk
• Appropriately discipline and/or terminate staff
• Apply various negotiating skills
• Deal with difficult people, conflict and confrontation
• Use collaborative decision making skills
• Understand a systems approach to management of construction companies
The instructor, BGC Partners, has been approved by CCA for 2 CCA Gold Seal education credits and BC Housing for 8 Informal CPD credits upon successful completion.
The course includes 11 video modules with 8 hours of expert instruction and material.


Contact & Support

Please contact the ICBA Training Department at 604-298-7795 or for more information.

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